Best Bass Plastic Bait Setup For Alabama River

The Best Soft Plastic Bass Bait Setup For The Alabama River

Over the years I have fished with plastic worms, grubs, trick worms and crawfish. By far the 6 inch Lizard out performed all of them. I have used them to catch Largemouth Bass on the Alabama River and actually any waterway or pond in Alabama. I use this Soft Plastic Bass Bait Fishing Rig mostly in shallow water, grass, logs, lily pads and flats with structure. Here is my setup.

The Bass Fishing Worm Hooks

The Bass Fishing Worm Hooks I use are the Eagle Claw Lazer Sharp 3/0 Worm Hook. I have used a 4/0 and 2/0 at times. These are great Worm hooks for catching Largemouth Bass on the Alabama River. I have used Eagle Claw Soft Plastic Hooks my whole life and have never been disappointed.

The Bullet Worm Weights

The Bullet Weights or Worm Weights I use are the 1/8 ounce size. Pictured is a cheaper brand I have in my tackle box. I prefer a tungsten bullet weight. They are made to where the weight of the Bullet weight is distributed evenly throughout the weight unlike the cheaper lead version. Lets talk about split shot weights. Normally I do not use them on my Plastic Bass Fishing Rig.

The Bass Fishing 6 Inch Lizard For The Alabama River

I have been Bass Fishing the Alabama River for a long time and I have always caught Largemouth Bass with this 6 inch Lizard. My go to brand is Zoom Super Salt Plus 6 inch Lizard in a Pumpkin Chartreuse colors. I have used other brands in this color and size combination but the Zoom brand out competes them every time.

Click Here To Get Yours!

Well there you have it the Best Soft Plastic Bass Fishing Setup for Bass fishing the Alabama River. I guarantee you will catch a Largemouth Bass. Check out my blog for other Alabama River fishing information. at We are Amazon Associates and may receive a small commission from your purchase from Amazon.